
Web Store

The frontend for Phoenix/Brackets web store.

Code Guardian

[![ build verification](https://github.com/aicore/web-store/actions/workflows/build_verify.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/aicore/web-store/actions/workflows/build_verify.yml)

Sonar code quality check Security rating vulnerabilities Code Coverage Code Bugs Reliability Rating Maintainability Rating Lines of Code Technical debt

Commands available


Since this is a pure JS template project, build command just runs test with coverage.

> npm install   // do this only once.
> npm run build


To lint the files in the project, run the following command:

> npm run lint

To Automatically fix lint errors:

> npm run lint:fix

Dependency updates

We use Rennovate for dependency updates: https://blog.logrocket.com/renovate-dependency-updates-on-steroids/

Code Guardian

Several automated workflows that check code integrity are integrated into this template. These include:

  1. GitHub actions that runs build/test/coverage flows when a contributor raises a pull request
  2. Sonar cloud integration using .sonarcloud.properties
    1. In sonar cloud, enable Automatic analysis from Administration Analysis Method for the first time image

IDE setup

SonarLint is currently available as a free plugin for jetbrains, eclipse, vscode and visual studio IDEs. Use sonarLint plugin for webstorm or any of the available IDEs from this link before raising a pull request: https://www.sonarlint.org/ .

SonarLint static code analysis checker is not yet available as a Brackets extension.


Testing framework: Mocha , assertion style: chai

See https://mochajs.org/#getting-started on how to write tests Use chai for BDD style assertions (expect, should etc..). See move here: https://www.chaijs.com/guide/styles/#expect

Mocks and spies: sinon

if you want to mock/spy on fn() for unit tests, use sinon. refer docs: https://sinonjs.org/

Note on coverage suite used here:

we use c8 for coverage https://github.com/bcoe/c8. Its reporting is based on nyc, so detailed docs can be found here: https://github.com/istanbuljs/nyc ; We didn’t use nyc as it do not yet have ES module support see: https://github.com/digitalbazaar/bedrock-test/issues/16 . c8 is drop replacement for nyc coverage reporting tool